This bottle is handcrafted. The sides are hand-cut to give it an octagon shape. The glaze is a mottled dark gray with a light grey showing underneath. There is slight wear through the bottom glaze. There is a stamped mark on the bottom of this bottle JORGEN*, HANSEN, DANMARK. The stamped mark it too lightly impressed on the right sides of the word JORGEN... so I can't tell if there are more letters in thath name. In my research I found out there were potters in Denmark by the names FREDERIK JORGENSEN and KARL HANSEN, formerly of Herman A Kahler pottery factory, that went to work for a new pottery factory called DANICO. Do you think this pottery bottle could have been made by these potters? Perhaps after working for DANICO? If so, would I be accurate in thinking this bottle could be 1930 era? This bottle is in perfect condition.