Looking for an idea of when this table was made, what it was possibly used for, and a possible estimate market value. I was given this table by my friend who found it in his basement when he moved in. It was in bad shape when I got it from him. The veneer was peeling off and chipped and there are a few stains on the table top and on the bottom shelf. I am in the process of refinishing this table. I know that I lost some of the value when I refinished the table.....but I don't think there was much value in the table due to it's condition. I am looking to sell this table, but need a fair and reasonable asking price. Please help. Thank you. I am planning on refinishing it to it's original dark color, but I will be using a dark walnut stain to try and match the stain on the top of the table. Not sure if that matters or not. Looking to sell once it is refinished if someone is interested, but would like a proper market value price first.
American Furniture
Distinguishing marks
No signature or name but the "#181" is on the bottome written in yellow chalk I think.
Size and dimensions of this item
48"Long, 29"Tall, 28"Wide
about 50 lbs
eBay Auction Link
For Sale?