I received this jade carving as a gift from my grandfather who was retired and went to live in Tianjin, China to be an Engliish teacher. I was told it was jade and that it was of value. I'd like to know if that is true! We tried to scrath the bottom of the carving but no marks were left, and all the other things we've read on testing jade seem to hold up, but I know it's very difficult to know for sure. If you can help me, I would so appreciate it! TIA
Re: Chinese Jade Carving
All I can tell you is that, YES, it definitely appears to be pure jade and from what I've seen on auctions, jade is a good seller. As far as help here.
Re: Chinese Jade Carving
Jade, both nephrite and jadeite, prove valuable as a raw material and as carved objects of desire. Tradition jade objects are respected and hold a high value as a possession or commodity of trade. The stuff is very hard: 7.5, compared to a diamond at 10 in this scale. Jadeite shines and shows a wide range of color. Nephrite shows a matt translucent finish. Beautiful item.