Quite often paintings like this are the work of Amateur painters who just painted as a hobby, they were never famous and their works never developing a following. Such paintings were often given away as gifts to family or friends, the time of creation or anything about the Artist never recorded. Such paintings generally are sold based on the artisitic content, quality of the workmanship and subject matter.
Re: Painting by Sydney Cheston
Quite often paintings like this are the work of Amateur painters who just painted as a hobby, they were never famous and their works never developing a following. Such paintings were often given away as gifts to family or friends, the time of creation or anything about the Artist never recorded. Such paintings generally are sold based on the artisitic content, quality of the workmanship and subject matter.
Yours could be by Charles Sydney Cheston, but you really need a physical appraisal for this piece, here's a link for you http://www.blouinartinfo.com/artists/38629-charles-sidney-cheston