Seller mentioned it was 'Lexington' and was purchased about 25 years ago. It is rock solid, sturdy, and heavy. The mirror is mounted to a base that has three drawers and lifts off the chest. The mirror and base are as heavy as the chest itself (with chest drawers removed). it is not disernible until you look closely.The mirror backing is just slightly loose but other than that nothing wobbles or is seperating or dry or cracking.The mirror itself is very fine quality and one would think it brand new. The top of the chest is gouged pretty good but due to the medium finish.It is two over three drawers. The chest has ornamental keyholes in the three long drawers. The hardware appeas to be original except I had to replace a screw for one handle-the middle drawer on the base-I had not fixed it at the time I took the photos so you will notice it is missing..
wood; oak? walnut?
Distinguishing marks
Chest: Stamped "606-221 1_89102 Low Chest Made In USA" Mirror/Base: Stamped "606 210 Mirror 1_-8 USA"
Size and dimensions of this item
Chest:40" W x 19"D x 35 1/2 H Mirror/Base: 38" W x 10 1/2 D x6"H (-Mirror 38 x 40"H measured from 'mantle/shelf' base to top centerpoint
Date Period
? Heavy
I purchased for $50 Spring 2008 in Newport News, VA from private owner-moving sale.
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