It looks like a oyster fork, it is made out of silver and has a figure without arms in the middle of the fork. Coming out of the head is a shield (or crest ) with a type of royal leaf in the center, coming out of the top of the shield is a crown. The back of the fork has the same crown print but instead of the leaf being in the shield their are six round balls forming a circle. It then goes back down to the back of the figures head, and looks as though it shows detail of clothing on the armless figure. Drapy clothes perhaps. It then goes into a shape that looks like two c's facing each other. ex. (). Then it twists into a spiral design and goes into the two fork spokes. The marking is at an angle, on the top curve of the front left spoke.
Distinguishing marks
on the front left fork prong the is a Name I cannot make out the first two letters however the remaining letters i can read spell out BELLINI. It might even say ST Bellini.
Size and dimensions of this item
L= 3.5 inches , W= 1/4 inch
Date Period
no idea. I am an interior designer and picked it up at a thrift store.
no idea
Im in Atlanta , GA and am the head creative designer for a celebrity events firm and a bought all the forks at (Value Village) , a thrift store here, to make fork chadeliers for a charity event called corks and forks . I held on to this fork because it was so detailed.
eBay Auction Link
Price Paid (If known)
20 cents.
For Sale?