Need appraisal for insurance and possibly resale.
THE SONG FOLIO STANDARD VOCAL MUSICaccompaniment for Piano and Organby Favorite ComposuresThomas Hunter1883 copyright by Thos Hunter It has a sketch of:Adelina PattiChristine NilssonEmma C ThursbyCharles GounodKranz Abt It has biographical sketches of popular composure's and singers Some songs in it areThat Traitor Love -Josheph L. Roeckel For ever and EverForget me not - L.B. CourtneyGood-Bye, Sweetheart, Good- By- John HAve Maria- Bach and GounodThe Bridge -Miss Lindsey It is in Excellent shape and has been wrapped in brown paper bag book cover to preserve it apparently. * MAY WANT TO SELL IN THE NEAR FUTURE