I have recently aquired a landscape painting that I am 99% sure is an original. Brush strokes and tool marks are visible and deep but i do not believe the surface is canvas, peeking through the back cover appears to be wood. After hours of searching, the painting itself does not reveal a signature or title that I can see. The only distinguishing mark i can find is a red dot in the lower right corner, it is the ONLY red in the entire painting so I don't know if it means anything. It is in a heavily detailed, hand carved, varnished, wood frame that looks like it has plaster between the top and bottom layers of wood, approximate total 2 1/2 inches wide. The painting is held in the frame with very small finish nails placed inside the back of the frame every 4 inches and a textured, irridescent paper laid over the entire back of the painting and most of the frame. The painting is in excellent condition aside from a place the size of a peanut on the right side where bird poo had stuck to it in the barn so it needs a touch of restoration and i'm sure it could use a good cleaning to take the darkness out. The frame is not in as good of shape, it's corners and edges most of the way around the frame are chipped and show some white and unstained wood beneath. The backing is in probably what would be considered poor condition, its back was facing outward and appears to be the most weathered. Its obvious the painting has never been out of its original frame because the paper seal between painting and frame is still intact in several places, even though it has torn, cracked, peeled and some has broken away it has withstood . I am interested in finding out who the artist is and possibly the year it was painted. I would like to see if my painting can be identified or appraised and eventually restored to it's original beauty. Here are several pictures of my painting, it's frame and backing. I appreciate all who have read this far and hopefully someone out there can help me identify my painting and it's artist.
Thank You so much