john wayne by debra colburn rouen the frame i reckon is custom made im ot sure it engraved the duke on top of frame then down sides had john waynes date of birth and death
JB Van Sciver dresser, all wood with dove-tail drawers, 2 doors on front open to 4 individual drawers plus an additional drawer on the bottom underneath the doors, does not seem that was particularly well taken care of over the years with some scratches, drink rings, etc. and one of the inner drawers has a crack partly through the front but drawer is still completely functional
I was going through my mother-in-laws stamp collection when I came across 4 letters, 3 of which are on White House stationary/envelopes postmarked 1923-1924 and appear to be hand written letters from Calvin Coolidge addressed to a Mr Edward Bacher 36 Arlington Street Northampton Ma. One of the letters on White house stationary is signed John though the others are signed Calvin. The fourth letter is to Mr. Bacher from a Miss Georgia Atyan room 202 The New Ocean House Swampscott Ma., and appears to be a letter of sympathy for the loss of Calvin Coolidge/one of the three Musketeers? It's postmarked 1924 though, and her handwriting is very hard to read.
I have no idea how my mother-in-law came across these letters, she lived here in Atlantic Highlands NJ for most of her life and co-owned a glass company with her husband (ABC glass). She was an avid stamp collector (some stamps dating back to the early 1800's). I believe she kept the letters for the stamps.
One letter reads;
Dear Ed,
I thank you very much for the book. It was darn nice of you.
I hope you are having a good time. Keep your eye on Steve; he needs looking after. Also keep an eye on lillian- she may need looking after. Has Steve pulled off his party with "Denny" Bement yet? I guess that will be a wet one.
Remember me to your family. I'll be home at mid-night Sunday the 4th of Jan (1 week from tonight) I'm coming up on that Montreal train.
Four figures, one holding a walking stick, one playing a bone flute? two holding what seem to be short swords/knives. They seem to have been cast in the lost wax process. rough not polished