She died in 1984 and then they were passed to me.I think she only used them for "special" occasions and I have never used them. They have sat in my hutch for 15 yrs. I think I may also have the original paperwork for these also.
Round table with four matching chairs. The chairs have the original leather seat cover. The entire set was refinished by an expert about 7 years ago.We are looking to sell the set.
This is a glass negative of (based on my research of his likeness) Charles Lindbergh, along with his wife Anne, who is sitting in the co-pilot's seat. I purchashed this along with other aviation negatives, from an Indiana Goodwill. I took an inverse picture of the negative in order to view the picture. I would like to know whether the glass negative has any value besides historical, and I'm also wondering who took the picture, which I think would be harder to decipher. It must of been a photographer that had access to such people? Any help would be great. Thanks.
This is a silver pitcher from 1926 created by the International Silver Co. for Hotel Wolford. It says on the bottom that it is silver soldered and 8oz. Also it is serialized as #05002. Finally there is another marking on the bottom of the pitcher and the bottom of the lid that says 16 with four little marks that look kind of liek a pie cut in four a clover but with points toward the middle.