In case you can't read what it says on the top of the lantern it says
"STAR HEADLIGHT & LANTERN CO." Has a star in the middle of the top of the lantern.
Immediately under the star it is stamped "PAT. PEND"
On the top of the first lantern is has a lot imprinted on it.
On the very top it says "THE ADAMS & WECTLAKE CO. H.V.N.Y."
On other end of top it says "ADLAKE No. 250 KERO NEW YORK-CHICAGO-PHILA.
Around the large ring it says "PATD US MAY-581908355PT21 - 1909 - NOV 1911
PRI-1913 - MAY 9 - 1922 - CANADA 1921-1920 PATS PENDING
On side of glass is has ADLAKE KERO embossed into glass.
On the other side of the glass it looks like a large letter "C" with a smaller NX inside.
It was used by my Great Grandfather on the trains out of West Virginia. Looking to have appraised and possible sell.