I'm not sure what this is. I found it cleaning out my grandfathers house. I might be interested in selling not sure yet. I am hoping that you could tell me what it is.
asian style vase looks hand painted has two painted framed pictures on it one with what looks like geisha's and the other with men and geisha's has alot of flowers painted all over it and small butterflys for handles. It has stamp on the bottom but is in some type of asian characters not sure what it says, Just want information on it if any one knows anything.
Three handled vase, pink and yellowish orange colored roses on the surface as well as green leaves. Also some type of light metal decoration applied to the outside surface. Inside is white colored.
The item has several different colors within it. Not sure where it was made. The antique dealer (who's section of the store this item was in with other pottery) was in the process of placing other European pottery on the shelf when I purchased this and several other items from that area of the store.