I have 4 porcelain figurines, each about 4 inches high and about 2-3 inches wide and deep. One figurine is a music conductor (picture files start with the letters COND. Another figurine is a woman in a blue dress (perhaps a dancer) and the picture files start with the letters BLUE. The third figurine is a dancer in a pink dress with one hand down and the picture files start with the letters pinkHDWN. The fourth figurine is a dancer in a pink dress with both hands up and the picture files start with the letters pinkHUP. I have included a picture from the front of the figurine and a picture of the bottom of the base.
These were apparently bought by my grandparents on one of their trips to Europe probably around 1900 +/- a decade.
I wish to know the manufactorer of each (based on the imprints in the bottom) and their approximate value. I would also appreciate suggestions as to how to sell them.
Hi ive been unable to confirm what i purchased the other day for $40.00 usd., at my local recycling center, They price the piece by the weight of it.Ive seen simalar pieces on ebay but seems people are calling it dif.names.,that is the reason im contacting you.This item is 15lbs, I seen an item on 1st dibs that has the same hand painted scene it to has no makers marks just as mine does not.They have a price tag of a $5,000 but if you buy now theyll knock off $2,000 usd.im wondering if my $40.00 dollar purchase could be worth this unbelievable amount of money an what it truly is. Thank You Don Burton
Hamilton Skotch Jug Pre 70s Marked with Hamilton Ohio which stopped production in the 70. 1 Gallon has Pump and Metal Handle which I see no info online about. In excellent condition. Red, Black & Yellow Plaid design does NOT have artist signature which leads me to believe pre 70s