A picture of what looks to be a roman architecture on the left side with an open courtyard on the ride and people standing out front and trees in the background.
I purchased this from a lady whose mother passed, she said she believed the chair to be around 60 or 70 years old but wasn't sure. It has no markings that would explain the date or maker. The seat is made of four pieces of wood that are connected by pegs. Where the hands rest on the arm rests there are 2 lines cut out all the way around on each arm rest. Nails in it appear to be handmade.
When I was around 4 years old, my German-American great grandmother gave me a box full of a tea set, shakers, plates, and bowls. She passed away at 104 years old when I was around 17, so, I can not ask her of the history of what was given to me.
I think she had given me the tea set to play with; however, I don't know why the plates, bowls and shakers were in with it. Most of it has been kept in a packed box for several years, that I have only been through a few times in my life. The only thing that was kept out was the tea pot, on a shelf.
I have asked my mother details about it, she for the most part doesn't know -- she has just told me that she thought it was Blue Bonnet tea set, or Blue Willow. She said, if she remembered correctly that my great grandmother told her she'd had it since she was young -- I have no idea how old it is, or where it originated. It certainly doesn't look German to me, it looks more Oriental, but I am unsure.
I haven't really noticed much signature or marked wise, at all. I think it's two different sets, as some of it looks a but different design wise and some looks much older than others.
I am curious of about how much it is worth, and possibly where it is from, and what it is called. I have very little history on it, and I have started wondering about it.
It's too bad I wasn't told more, but I wasn't very old, and at that point I likely would have forgotten.
The detail is trees, birds, flowers and other designs.
NOTE: I was not able to post near all of the pieces, or pictures. Also, because I couldn't upload them without resizing, they are smaller and you can not see the deatil nearly as well. I have not decided to sell it, but I am unsure at this point. It would depend on the offer and information that I get on the items.
Edit: I was unable to add pictures of everything. A friend of mine that collects quite a bit suggested that I may have 2 sets and a couple pieces of one other.
The cup that I added a picture of has 4 plates, 4 saucer dishes, and 4 bowls. Also, a set of shakers that go with the little pitcher looking piece that has a lid, there are also 2 of those pieces, by the way. I've also found a little milk pitcher and a dish with a lid and it has something written on the bottom that I can't make out one part, but I do see Japan, but it doesn't go with the set with the cups, plates and etc,. I looks like it'd go with the little plate that I added a picture of.
I see birds, houses, a boat with people, different types of trees, grass, what looks to be a fence and possibly a bridge. etc.