I need to know the value of this beer stein.
The stein is large and is from the American Brewing Company in Saint Louis Missouri
It has a pewter top but it is broken.
The bottom of the stein says GERMANY and has a few other marking and number.
()see photos for details)
The stein looks like it would pour beer, not drink from it.
Believe it is for decorative display, but not sure.
Re: American Brewing Company Stein
This is a beer pitcher. American Brewing Company operated from 1890-1906, this label for their A B C Bohemian beer. Wow, hardly any info on this but I found a site they have a "show&tell" you can post your stein and get some answers. Let us know what you find out.
Also this article for info
Re: American Brewing Company Stein
A stein like this would considered rare, being that the company that it represents only was in operation a short period of time. Placing a avalue on it is difficult, generally the only way to find out is to use the services of a Specialist dealer like Gary Kisner ( see link below)
Re: American Brewing Company Stein
I was thinking the same thing, its a nice one.