Mirror is 45 x33 in size and is very heavy.Its a dark cherry the tag on back says its burly cherry made by logan porter mirror company on 6/30/1950 for Davis Cabinet Company,Nashville,Tn,
Home Furnishings
Cherry wood
Distinguishing marks
Label on back w/378 Hanging mirror this is stock number, finish says Burly Cherry
It is very pretty,but it is so heavy i can't hang it in my living room cause i'm affaird it will pull lose from the wall. In excellent shape no scracthes on it.i
Re: Antique burly cherry mirror made on 6/30/1950
It is very pretty,but it is so heavy i can't hang it in my living room cause i'm affaird it will pull lose from the wall. In excellent shape no scracthes on it.i