Antique Card Catelog.
The front brass marker reads: The Matrix Shoe, Moulded Like The Bottom Of Your Foot.
There is no makers mark on the inside. The bottom of the front has some sort of logo on it that i cant make out. It appears to say MFG co. and then Rochester New York, USA. but i cant read the beginning or middle.
Any insite is appreciated!
Re: Antique Card Catalog
Commericial oak office and store furniture like this was mass produced by a number of companies in the USA during the first quarter of the 20th century. Demand for pieces like this lat peaked during the late 1980's and has been in decline since that time.
Re: Antique Card Catalog
This Life magazine has an ad for the Matrix shoe,+moulded+like+the+bottom+of+your+foot&source=bl&ots=3UTqJMoQyA&sig=ACfU3U3_iA55cglwzCUhYQhrKtQdvhwkhQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiVn-3Unr7nAhVYV80KHe_qBuQQ6AEwAHoECAsQAQ#v=onepage&q=the%20%22matrix%22%20shoe%2C%20moulded%20like%20the%20bottom%20of%20your%20foot&f=false
Your's appears to be a Yawman and Erbe MFG card catalog. Here's one on Etsy
Your's appears to have a crack on a drawer and so I'd imagine that'd lower the value. The Matrix shoe emblems make me think this card catalog was in a shoe store. I won't guess what the value is but looking around at Etsy and EBay and considering the condition of yours might help you
This one has a decal on the back similar to yours