Hi every one, I'm hoping if any one knows what these two figure are they look very old , and looks asian. they also look as they have natural crazing . I would also wish to know their value they are very, very, heavy . These lion are made of some kind of clay.
I have set them aside in a antique consignment .
Thank you so much for helping me out.
Re: antique lions
That is a pair of Tang-style "sancai" (three-colored drip glaze) lions. The unglazed portion and bottom do not appear to have much natural wear, nor does the glaze. Also stylistically they appaer a bit too whimsical for a traditional piece. To me, they appear to be 20th century. The crazing (or crackle) is not in itself indicative of great age, as it usually occurs during production due to the piece being allowed to cool too fast after firing.