This was owned by my great grandma, the artist and year are unknown.
on the bottom in small print: "Blessed Are the Pure at Heart"
In the lower Right hand corner: Copyright The Artographic Corporation Joliet ILL U.S.A.
Have NOT removed picture from frame.
Re: Antique Painting the Artographic Corporation Joliet ILL
What you have here is an early photographic reproduction. It is NOT a painting and it is certainly NOT an antique. This would explain the standard 8x10 photo frame size and the glass front. Expensive paintings were never covered with glass, however photographic prints always have been. The lack of an artist signature along with the copyright stamp indicates the artist was employed by the Artographic Corporation which amounted to an early mass production of decorative wall hangings with little or no value. The main difference is back then reproductions were made with a special large format film camera where today a digital scanner would be used. The frame while old contains no value in itself and the real value would come if this factory reproduction was painted by a famous artist which it appears it was not.
My best offer for this piece would be $10 if you paid the shipping costs which I would consider a bit more than it's worth as you would likely have a difficult time selling it for $1 on a garage sale.
Re: Antique Painting the Artographic Corporation Joliet ILL
This painting is sooooo similar to the one I have....I almost thought it was the same one.....the one I have was on Antique roadshow....