I found this at a flea market. It is obviously very old and unusual. If you look on the back, you will see little mother of pearl medalions set in square filligree panels which are joine to one another with silver rings. The closure is a pin that slides through interlocking tubes on either end of the bracelet. On the front of the mother of pearl medallions are intricate hand painted scenes that are mostly intact: flowers, a portrait, a psi of ducks, a pair os birds, a reclining animal with long horns and another portrait.
The reclining animal looks like a Saola, a forest-dwelling bovine found only in the Annamite Range of Vietnam and Laos.
The ducks look like Fulvous Whistling Ducks, also found in Vietnam. So, maybe the bracelet is from Vietnam.
I would appreciate it if anyone can tell me anything about this bracelet of if there is any hint of its value.