By antiquechest, 11 April, 2011 Description This chest has been spray painted and it has no interior shelves. We have used it as a toy chest and now a blanket storage area Category General Antiques and Collectibles Medium Wood and metal Distinguishing marks locks say 'Pat June 26 1877' Condition Fair Size and dimensions of this item 20" deep x 33" wide x 25" high Date Period June 26 1877 Weight approx 20 pounds History We purchased it approx 30 years ago from our church who had been using it for many years as a treasure chest eBay Auction Link For Sale? No Photos Re: antique treasure chest This is a pretty standard hump back trunk, mass produced during the late 19th century. The tops were domed so water would run off them in the rain while beening shipped about. Values for them are modest, at auction most sell for under $100.00 Select ratingGive it 1/5Give it 2/5Give it 3/5Give it 4/5Give it 5/5Cancel rating No votes yet Leave this field blank Log in or register to post comments
Re: antique treasure chest This is a pretty standard hump back trunk, mass produced during the late 19th century. The tops were domed so water would run off them in the rain while beening shipped about. Values for them are modest, at auction most sell for under $100.00 Select ratingGive it 1/5Give it 2/5Give it 3/5Give it 4/5Give it 5/5Cancel rating No votes yet Leave this field blank
Re: antique treasure chest
This is a pretty standard hump back trunk, mass produced during the late 19th century. The tops were domed so water would run off them in the rain while beening shipped about. Values for them are modest, at auction most sell for under $100.00