It's an antique wooden whale weathervane I purchased a few years ago in an dusty old antique shop. It was hidden on the floor behind a bunch of old clocks. I instantly fell in love with how unique it was! Never have seen anything like it. It's pretty detailed in it's carving and has a beautiful light blue hue. There are no markings on it and my google searches have come up empty. I'm curious on how old it could possibly be and if there is any value in it.
Re: Antique wooden whale weathervane
It has a nice decorative appeal but is a modern piece- as in the last 10 or 20 years, and was made as such. You can tell this from the lack of weathing and odd size amongst a few more finer points. As to value, it is worth whatever someone wants to pay for a late 20th century/early 21th century whale carving- maybe $50-$100.