I would like to request your kind assistance to verify the existence of an Artist (Heinrich Matthies) from Stade at the River Elbe (Germany).
I have recently obtained from an overseas friend a painting (see attached pic) done by Heinrich Matthies in 1949. The friend obtained this painting from Dieter C Meyer, who is the grandson of Heinrich Matthies (the artist).
Here are the only details I have of the Artist.
Heinrich Matthies (1869-1955)
-Residence in Stade
-Studied Art in Munich and Zurich where he obtained his Master of Art. In 1892, for further studies, he traveled to Italy, Egypt and Palestine.
Please refer to the attached pictures.
I am trying tp the verify the the existence of this Artist (Heinrich Matthies) and even authenticity of the painting too.
Would appreciate any help and assistance in this regard.