This item was purchased form an estate sale in La Jolla, CA about 5 years ago. I plan on reselling the item but I cannot find anything similar online to even call it by the correct name. The front face that displays the carved scene is made from one solid piece of wood. I inititially thought the entire piece was one solid piece but after taking pictures it is either splitting apart or it is made from a couple different pieces. The wood seems to be very old and/or untreated as it shows cracking throughout. It is very solid though, weighing about 10 pounds. It's about 29 x 10 x 3 inches.
Re: Asian Wood Carving
Any information, including what I can even call this would be greatly appreciated!
Re: Asian Wood Carving
It's a Chinese carved softwood panel, clearly either an architectural element, such as from a doorway. or more likely, a cross piece from the upper section of a traditional-style bed. It doesn't seem to have enough patina to be particularly old. and was probably carved in the late 19th or early 20th century.