Sets like this are based on the Danish Modern style, which became popular after World War Two. It's back in style and values are rising for good quality pieces. We'd sellone like this for about $600.00.
Sorry, I was referring to the dresser alone. Prices in NYC are way higher in gallery/Decorator type Stores. In my area we'd have trouble getting 2K for the whole set.
Re: Bedroom set , Johnson furniture Co Grand Rapids...
Nice bedroom set ..I am intrested in this set, please let me know if still available.
917 375 6289
Re: Bedroom set , Johnson furniture Co Grand Rapids...
Sets like this are based on the Danish Modern style, which became popular after World War Two. It's back in style and values are rising for good quality pieces. We'd sellone like this for about $600.00.
Re: Bedroom set , Johnson furniture Co Grand Rapids...
Wow don't know where you;re located but a Liscensed appraiser here in the area said in a NYC retail location this set would get about 3.5k
Re: Bedroom set , Johnson furniture Co Grand Rapids...
Sorry, I was referring to the dresser alone. Prices in NYC are way higher in gallery/Decorator type Stores. In my area we'd have trouble getting 2K for the whole set.