Any time you find a country of origin marking on pottery it generally post dates 1890. In 1891 Duncan Watson Bishop and John Stonier created a new company trade mark BISTO, using the first letters of their surnames. The marks was used until about 1939, the plate's worth about $25.00
thank you very much. I don't know anything about the things I've posted here besides the fact that my grandmother and great aunt took great care of them and thought them to be beautiful. I don't need them and I hate to have them wrapped up in trunks for ever.
Re: Bisto plate
Any time you find a country of origin marking on pottery it generally post dates 1890. In 1891 Duncan Watson Bishop and John Stonier created a new company trade mark BISTO, using the first letters of their surnames. The marks was used until about 1939, the plate's worth about $25.00
Re: Bisto plate
thank you very much. I don't know anything about the things I've posted here besides the fact that my grandmother and great aunt took great care of them and thought them to be beautiful. I don't need them and I hate to have them wrapped up in trunks for ever.