John Halifax Gentleman
Belford Clarke & Co
Caxton Edition
It is a hard cover book with an exquisite design on the cover. Saying on front: May Bles Sings Be uoon the head of CADMUS, the phoenicians or whoever it was that invented books Thos Carlyle. There isn't a copyright or date published.
Stories of Sherlock Holmes
Conan Doyles Best Books Vol 1
No publishing date
A Study of Scarlet and other stories
Sherlock Holmes edition P.F. Collier & Son, Publisher
Green hard cover with black engraved design of a man spoking a pipe
Stories of Sherlock Holmes
Conan Doyles Best Books Vol 3
Beyond the City
P.F. Collier & Son, Puplisher
No Copy or Publish date
A Romance of Billy-Goat Hill by Alice Hegan Rice
The century Co. 1912
Hard cover - green with gold writing and detail
Dickens Works Illistrated
Childs History England Miscellaneous
Hurst & Co Publishers
Date publishing date
The Treasure Finders by James Otis
A Boy's Adventures in Nicaragua
A.L. Burt, Publisher
No copy date but a note where it was given to someone dated 1905
Green Hard Cover with red and yellow detail
New Chronicles of Rebecca by Kate Douglas Wiggin
Copyright 1906 Published April 1907
Grosset & Dunlop Publisher
Green Hard Cover with black detail
The Bobbsey Twins in the Land of Cotton
by Laura Lee Hope
Published by Grosset & Dunlop
Copyright 1942
Famous Children of Story Book Land by Laura A. Large
by Laura ntoinette Large
Published by The Platte & Munk Co., Inc.
Copyright 1935
Aqua Blue Hard Cover with detailed engraving