I have several silver items that have been passed to me from grand-great-& great great-parents. Most are either Gorham or Tiffany, and a few other misc. But this Brandy Warmer baffles me. It has the hallmark of a BELL, no other mark. It has a unusual yellow/mustard color handle made of material not familiar with. Has a heart shape on the handle. Silver/silverplate.
From reasearch on the web, I can not find one of like. Thru hallmark research I see it as Smith, Sisson, Cadman, Roberts, Im not sure which makers or period. Can you help with id / or worth of this item please?? Most appreciated.
Re: BRANDY WARMER - smith, sissons & co.
If you could upload a photo of the hallmark it would help greatly help in identifying the piece. With so many hallmarks out there that can be very similar, it is important to be able to see every little detail which is hard to do via an oral description. Most cameras have a macro function that works very well for taking these up close shots of the small markings.
Re: BRANDY WARMER - smith, sissons & co.
Thank you I will try do my best to get something readable.