This gorgeous dressor has a jewelry or cady section on top.
The fan inlay design on the outside has also made me curious to the history
of this piece. It still has the wooden wheels on the bottom
of each of the legs. I have restored it to good condition!
My mother gave it to me after my father in law passed away and
she believed that it was passed down to his mother!!
Please help me find out the history and other pieces that may
go with this unique furniture design!!
Re: Cannot find anything to match this furniture or the ...
It dates from the second quarter of the 20th century and is in what's loosely described as "Colonial Revival". Such pieces can be a mismash
of past period styles, in this case "Sheraton meets Victorian". Values are modest for such pieces, as they don't mix well with other styles of decorating. At auction comparable dressers often sell for under $200.00.