A wooden cigar box with the word Guarantee on the lid and front. The letter e swings back underling the entire word guarantee. The lid is out lined in black with a smaller outline next and then in all of the 4 corners of the lid it has a unique design which reminds me of a fleur de lis with a circle around it or some kind of flower. Inside it says "We guarantee this cigar to contain Absolutely Pure Riavana Filler, and will give $1000 for the proof to the contrary. To attest to the truth of this offer, we herewith attach our signaute. Goodman, Churchill, & Chism. The writing is pretty like how things were written when ink wells were used. The back of the box where the hinge attaches to lid has a picture of what appears to be a horse head with its main blowing back and the word Trade is in front of the head and the word Mark is after the head. Ornate tiny little metal hinges come to a point. The back has Fact No. 8, 3rd Dist. N. Y. 50 and 2 labels. One is green and runs along the edge of the box and has 50 cigar and United. Some of the label has worn off but it resembles our old dollar bill in color. There is also a white paper label which has worn quite a bit but you can still see New York on it. You can make out some words from the label. The inside had a green paper strip all the way around at one time but you can still see the words Goodman, Churchill, & Chism. A note in the box says This wood cigar box has been in use since about 1906. Unfortunatly I cannot download the pics to required size. The box is just beautiful, tight and not scratched up.
Distinguishing marks
Guarantee inscribed Goodman, Churchill & Chism
Size and dimensions of this item
8 inches long, 5 inches wide, 2 and1/2 deep
Date Period
I found this at a garage sell. It has a handwritten piece of paper that says "This wood cigar box has been in use since about 1906. Initials CP and a date of 2/19/73. There was a picture of a funeral for 26 victims of "Venezuela" explosion about 1926.
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