All the details are pictured.. It is really hard to see what it says on the outter edge but that writting is under Jeffersons neck area. The front is a raised head shot with the writing "THOMAS JEFFERSON OF VIRGINIA" at the bottom of the coin it has I believe a persons name maybe (Ralph ..... ) and the date of 1963. The rear around the coin it says "THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA JULY 4th 1776". Then in the middle is the word " MONTICELLO" and a picture of it, which was ( Jeffersons Mountain top home.) Underneath the picture is an ingraved signature "Th Jefferson " underneath that is says " AUTHOR OF THE DECLARTION OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE STATUTE OF VIRGINIA FOR RELIGIOUS * FREEDOM * ( I believe there is a star on both sides of the word freedom) AND FATHER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA" under that his date of birth and death. (1745 * 1826)
Coins and Currency
unknown Metal
Distinguishing marks
Thomas Jefferson's engraved signature.
Size and dimensions of this item
about an inch in diameter
Date Period
Found this and several other items while cleaning out the attic of our house.
For Sale?