This is a piece I acquired on a late night scavenger hunt. I know that it is from sometime around the 1940s. The crate (case) held glass bottles. I am of curious its worth. It is in very good condition
General Antiques and Collectibles
Distinguishing marks
Please not writing out outside and ends of crate and also stamp on inside.
Demand peaked for cola type collectibles in the early 1990's, values for these crated depends a lot on the maker. Wooden crates like this remained in use until the 1960'sand often sell at auction for less than $30.00.
Re: Could this be a rare jewel?
Demand peaked for cola type collectibles in the early 1990's, values for these crated depends a lot on the maker. Wooden crates like this remained in use until the 1960'sand often sell at auction for less than $30.00.