I have two pictures of Cupid Asleep and Cupid Awake. They are approximately 18" X 12" and are heart shaped. The frames are also heart shaped. They are both in execellent condition. Imprinted on the back is No. 1950 and 1951. They aslo have published by Taber Phang Art Co., Springfield MA. On the front of each picture is says, "Copyright 1897".
Any info will be greatly appreciated. I will upload photos if necessary.
Anna Marie
Re: Cupid Awake & Cupid Asleep
Known as “Cupid Awake” and “Cupid Asleep”. Each picture depict a little girl named Josephine Anderson who was about four years old when the pictures were taken.These prints were mass produced in huge numbers from the turn of the 19th Century until the 1930’s, some 50 million in all were produced, which sold at the time for about 25 cents.
The original portraits were taken by M.B. Parkinson, but the copyright was owned by a major printingcompany, Taber-Prang Co. of Springfield, Mass. It was the Ohio Art Co. that produced the frames that made the prints popular across the country, originally using the prints as inserts to sell the frames.In the current market a good framed example of either of these prints sells for about $50.00