This porcelain, double drainboard, double sink unit has been in my grandmother's house since my father was a baby child. He is 64 now. My husband and I have been remodeling the house and cannot find a brand name on the unit, anywhere. It is actually in pretty good condition. There is some rusting underneath where the plumbing is. The sink tubs themselves come bright white after bleaching, or at least they have the 2 times I have done it. We are painting the kitchen right now, so in the picture, there is some discoloration, but it wipes off, this picture I took to do a "before" and "after" type of thing. I have seen some similar sink/cabinet units on the internet for sell for up to $2500, but they aren't exactly the same, I have not found one with 2 tubs anywhere, therefore can't find the maker. Please help!
Home Furnishings
Porcelain & Cast Iron
Distinguishing marks
Size and dimensions of this item
6 x 3 x 2.5
Date Period
b/w 1940-1960
It has been in my grandmother's house since 1945 (at least, that's how far back my dad can remember) We live there now. I know they were very popular items at the time and would like to know the maker of the unit so that we can either "re-model" it or sell, which ever makes more since to do.
eBay Auction Link
For Sale?