This piece is a family heirloom, passed from either grand or great grand-parents. It is hallmarked Gorham on the bottom of tray, lion, anchor and G, sterling, B507. The design is floral, maybe lilies and vines? on all 3 pieces. The alcohol burner is attached to the base of the tray. Monogrammed with initials left to right-H.E.S. Possibly my great, great grandmother, In our book of Geneology written by my great grandfather, the only one with those initials is Harriet Edith Slack, born 1861-1953. The seal shaft , the tip and the alcohol burner are all monogrammed.
It is quite beautiful, in very good condition, one very small "pit" mark on the tray. Other than that it is clean and no other visible marks. I would almost say excellent condition.
I have researched many places on the web- to no avail can I find this item or anything of its kind that Gorham did. I find single wax sealers, but not a set that resembles this. Any clues, or ideas of age/worth. HELP would be greatly appreciated.