Hello - I have a set of 3 Howell, James & Co - beer stein and 2 cups. The stein is about 8 and a half inches high, the cups about 5 and a quarter inches tall. As you can see, the handle of the beer stein is a bawdy scene - it depicts a man climbing upward as he parts and lifts a woman's dress. The scenes on the side of the stein includes a scenes of horsemen, forest and townsfolk. The cups have scenes of horsemen and people dancing.
The stein cap opens to reveal marks on the underside, that look like, to me, "HC from SF" or "CH from FS" or some variation on those letters. I am unsure of the metal used; brass, silver, silver plate? I am not an expert. I know Howell, James & Co was liquidated in 1929, after doing business from the early or mid 1800's. That's all I know about these - any information would be appreciated.