I have a piece of furniture that I cannot seem to find any specific information on.
The back side has a manufacturing label (and a number) from Kensington MFG Company out of New York. It is about 5,5 FT tall and about about 3,5 FT wide. I THINK it is walnut but I am certainly not sure.
I have tried to find information on manufacturer but what I found is slim to none.
Does anyone have any information on the Kensington Company, age of the piece and an approximate value?
Any information would be highly appreciated as it would be nice to know what it is and I can find no information.
Re: Information on Kensington MFG Company?
Re: Information on Kensington MFG Company?
It's made of oak and dates from the turn of the 19th Century, It is most likely an English Import and is in the Jacobean Revival style, which was popular right up through the 1930's. We'd retail one like this for about $650.00.
Re: Information on Kensington MFG Company?
I have a Kensington Mfg product as well. Do you know anything about this company. My 52" flip top hexagon shape table is carved dark oak with gate legs and was purchased from an antique dealer over 50 years ago. In fact there were two and at the time Barbra Streisand bought the other.
What do you think the vakue is today?