solid ivory statue of two tusks pointed outward with two asian like figures sitting in between them facing opposite with many figures on tusks starting from the bottom working up man on horseback with spear slaying dragon around the side looks like man begging from two women, moving up man carrying pole over sholder with a bag at each end around corner in between single lady facing each other moving up two women sitting above that there is a rooster with a flower above it around other side is a dragon. i would like to find out what this is i was told once it was a chess piece? also if it has any value? thaks for the help!
Re: ivory sculpture
This looks like resin or bone. If ivory you must get certificate of exemption to appraise or sell...ivory is illegal to trade in under 100 years old. Still quite it is tobacco stained bone.
If it is ivory, it is not illegal to simply own it.