This Item was bought by my 9 yo son with his own money at an estate sale. Other items at the sale included Silver and 4 fur coats ranging between $10,000 and $15,000. This is hand painted and has what appears to be gold plating in it. I can tell the gold is not painted on. I'm not sure what the words in the stamp say. This is a very beautiful peice. I thought it looked like a good investment for him. I was sure at the least we would be able to get his $30 back out of it. Please help identify this vase and maybe you could tell us where the best market would be. Should we sell it on ebay?
Re: Japanese porcelain vase
Your Floor vase is actually Chinese, the marking reads Qianlong Nian Zhi "Qianlong Period Make", but it's a fake mark. the vase itself was probably made by the Wa Lee company about 1960. Similar vases sell on ebay for about $150.00.