I have come across a small cigarette tin or stash box that was supposedly produced in the 1960`s and used by hippies to store marijuana. I have thoroughly cleaned any residue that remained. On the front is an image similar to a small 60`s concert poster of Jimi Hendrix face with an afro. The image is black and white beyond the word "Hendrix" boldly printed across the top and a small piece of bandana poking out through the afro which are colored red. The image appears to be printed on a paper and laminated to the front using something similar to clear tape. On the front above the face image reads: "the HENDRIX" and below in smaller print is "jimi hendrix" On the back is stamped "U.S.A Delight Model: 555 Philadelphia U.S.A."
The tin has a few small stains or rust spots on the back. The metal looks dull and scratched compared to the interiror.The image is very grainy and pixelated like it was produced on an old printer. I would assume if this didn`t date back to the 60`s or early 70`s the company that made it would have been outsourced overseas.
Sorry I dont Have pics yet will update when I do.