Greetings from Sunny AZ, we just purchased this little toy at a yard sale...according to our research i..because of the phillips screws, it is a reproduction although it doen't look like a modern made.
please let me know If I can retire to HI or I am stuck in the valley of the sun(we paid $7 for it so I wouldn't be crushed if it isn't worth a lot!
thank you in advance
Claudio and Robin
Re: Mechanical Coin Bank 1871 Horses
Yep, it's a reproduction, the market has been flooded with the things, they're made in China.
Re: Mechanical Coin Bank 1871 Horses
Phillips or 'pozidrive' screws were not invented until the early 1970s. I'm with Lovejoy. A modern toy made using Victorian equipment. Also the horses look a bit tinny.