Hi. I bout this Bag at Moschino in 1999 when I was visiting on Vacation. It was the only one in the store, and seemed to be more of a display bag. The sales person was surprised I was interested in it given it's huge size. After a little pleading, she sold it to me for 600,000 Lire or around $400. It is the traditional Moschino label, and HUGE. The Heart is the Moschino signature. I was thinking of reselling this bag, I just have no idea what it is worth. I have scoured ebay and countless sites looking for another example of this bag and cannot find it anywhere. The prices on the Moschino bags vary so much it would be impossible to know where to start. The Heart bags do seem coveted, and this one is unique. When I carried it for a few years the looks the thing got were pretty amazing. I have the original store bag as well. This bag never came with a fabric protection bag simply because there wasn't one big enough when I bought it. Any ideas on how much my bag is worth would be greatly appreciated.