This is all i know, it is japanese, the marking on the bottom says its BiBi as the maker or house it come from. Found this at good will couple of years ago. It seems to be an enigma that the form is flawed and even the paint sems kind of messy. So someone help me on this. i did extensive research and this just seems to be an enigma. hope these three pics help in more ID on this .
Re: my enigma
This is a NIPPON (old Noritake), very nice! Search ebay for BB Nippon Japan vases, and you'll see. Don't know the date, sorry.
Re: my enigma
Oh, Usually these were made out of bone porcelain china. BB mark dates to around 1950-1960.
Re: my enigma
1930s Nippon Bibi Vase Hand Painted · BungalowHeritage. $65.00
BIBIMight be the mark of a shop or trading company that commissioned pieces for sale, and got pieces from various kilns marked like this. The mark occurs on several pieces of which some are almost identical to Kutani. Recent information has it that Bibi is the name of a family import firm that imported porcelain from Japan to Lebanon during the 1950s and 60s. This porcelain had a Bibi mark on it and was sold in Beirut. The family might also have had a porcelain import business in Palestine in the 1930s and 40s before they were forced to flee in 1947.
$65.00 or around there. Good luck.