oil painting of winter sence, mountains in the background river in the front, painting is 20by24 signed with w.norwood last sold at auction date was 6/6/1987
Fine Art
Distinguishing marks
w. norwood
Size and dimensions of this item
20by 24
Date Period
last auction date still have paper on back 6/6/1987
Paintings like this are generic items made for the Decorator market, they are often sold at travelling art shows held in hotel conference rooms. Quite often multiples are done of the same scene if they sell well, values for them in the secondary market tend to be very modest.
Re: oil painting
wondering what the value of this peice is??
Re: oil painting
A winter scene by W. Norwood, measuring 36 x 24, sold on Ebay in Nov., 2012 for $136.00.
Another framed painting, size and date unknown, sold on Proxibid for $50.00
shopgoodwill.com sold one of his paintings for $5.99
Another Ebay painting offered for 133.00 went unsold.
I hope this helps.
Re: oil painting
Paintings like this are generic items made for the Decorator market, they are often sold at travelling art shows held in hotel conference rooms. Quite often multiples are done of the same scene if they sell well, values for them in the secondary market tend to be very modest.