I know very little about this cameo. I've had it for years and shown it to a handful of people. I have been told that the bezel is gold and the pin is brass. Some say it's from the Eduardian period, others say it's Victorian. There are no cracks or chips. I apologize for the lack of information- hopefully this helps!
Re: Old Cameo
1800s had C clip for the pin. the chain is called a guard chain. also hinged for the pin. that said your brooch is the most basic Cameo. there are some out there that can get really fancy. but that said, I had one that was really nice with filagree and dimond. I listed it in many many areas and nobody wanted to buy it. I am the last person that would scrap for the gold or silver but this one I did. and then sold the carving by itself. it was sad to do that, but it didn't sell. many web sites ask for good money on them. again yours is basic in design. have the gold tested. or just keep it and enjoy it. Price for this is around $40.00 as a brooch. not sure of gold value.10k/14k/18k ?
I'm not an expert and do not claim to be. I just know what I have bought and sold.
Re: Old Cameo
I have had 2 offers over the years. One was from a gentleman who's wife collected cameos. The other offer came from a lady who bought and sold jewelry at our local swap meet. Both offered me $100. One might say I should've taken the offers while I had them, while the other would suggest waiting until the right person comes along to make the sale. I just don't want to sell myself short!
Re: Old Cameo
I hear those words so much.(I don't want to sell myself short)ask yourself this.
do I have an attachment to this? do I need the money now? how much did it cost me? what can I do to make it look good on display? It's only worth what someone is willing to pay you for it! most horders in up that way because that just don't want to sell themself's short.
Re: Old Cameo
I try not to waste too much time on people like that. There is no logic in their way of thinking!
Because I had never used this site before, I wondered why I wasn't getting any feedback... Too much traffic? Not enough info? Bad pictures? After years on, I finally heard from a human being. Finally, I get it. If it were worth over what I had imagined ($200+), I would've noticed at least SOME interest in the darn thing.
Anyway, I will be listing it on eBay in March. Wish me luck!
Re: Old Cameo
let me know what you get.. good luck
Re: Old Cameo
Hi you can contact me, I'm interested
[email protected] and send me the pictures.