I found this beauty at a garage sale.. Handle says SPECIAL 10/ (I believe 4) BALL BEARING.. Wheels say OIL L431T on right and left says OIL L432T the razor guard says L4-14 can't find any more writing
Distinguishing marks
Handle says SPECIAL 10/ (I believe 4) BALL BEARING.. Wheels say OIL L431T on right and left says OIL L432T the razor guard says L4-14 can't find any more writing
Size and dimensions of this item
4ft 6 in from wheel to handle grip width is 17in inside to inside or 19 inches outside to outside and wheels are 10 in high
Re: Old push mower
They were sold by Sears & Roebuck as early as 1902 & sold for $3.50 cent's grass catcher $4.Dollars & 50 cents.