This is a very rare piece. I have sought for months with no results. It has the Tudor Rose and Cornation Crown . It is set with a red stone in rose, a Diamond color stone in crown and 2 blue stones in base of crown. I know it is not a Promotional piece. The original film by Sir Edwin Caskoden or Charles Majors holds some interesting information. Apparently, His family the Caskodens were within the royal palace. They were knights and such, with the exception of one Adonjika Caskoden who was a Goldsmith. He was a friend of Mary Tudor. Funny how there is still a story to be told of Henry the VIII.
There are so many inscriptions throughout this pice that they are written over many times. This has made it impossible to find any initials that can be read. I have examined this with a magnifyer like a microscope and have found maker marks but uncertain of which direction to read them. I would like to know the origin of this piece it is truely a mystery. I have also contacted Disney collections and spoke with director and he hasn't a clue. So, here we go again trying to find this little mystery piece" maker and value. Thanks