- This bell was given to my mother in the mid 1960's, My mother was born in 1958 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- A very much older lady late 80's or 90's was the person who gave my mother this bell.
- The lady said it was given to her by her father, when she was a little girl, back in Germany.
- The lady moved to the usa from germany, unknown what year, so the lady was born in Germany.
- The bells estimated weight i would say 1 pound 3/4-2 1/2 pounds.
- Brass not sure what percentage, im thinking over 70% because bell is thick and heavy for the size.
- Heighth 3 1/4 in circumference I believe 9.62..? Radius 1.5 in honestly unsure .
- Enscribed on two sides I can't make it out clear enough, It seems to read 12 J. Hann or maybe just Hann.
- opposite side seems more like symbols like a sideways p . Patsiv , the t looks more like an arrow ^.
- also at the bottom external side of bell i believe 3 numbers appear upside down 184.
- This bell was in my house my whole entire child hood and as an adult, my mother gave the bell to me.
Re: Rare Antique Brass Bell, maybe from Germany
Might I suggest taking some paper of some kind and a pencil (charcoal pencil) and do a rubbing all over the bell. You may be able to read the information alot easier.
Re: Rare Antique Brass Bell, maybe from Germany
Thanks for the suggestion, I have taken paper and pencil, not charcoal. I will try that. It is hard to make out some things seem like letters and others seem like symbols. Also some engravings are tiny hyphen like dashes, making it difficult to read and differentiate between those things.
Re: Rare Antique Brass Bell, maybe from Germany
Was the woman in her 80s or 90s when she gave the bell to your mother? How old was your mother at the time?
You said it was given to your mother by this woman in mid 60s. Do you know what year? Do you know the woman's name?
I took the year 1965, and subracted 85 to get 1880. I figure that growing up the woman was poor, and her father gave her this gift when she was around 5-10 years old. An age when a gift to a poor girl from her father would mean quite alot, and would create a lasting impression, helping her to hold onto it for such a long time.
The bell at least would have to be at least from the mid to late 1800s, judging by your clues. It would have been bought new at the time the woman received it from her father.
Maybe you can take a picture of the rubbings you make off the bell.
Any other information you can provide would be very helpful.
I love mysteries like this, my mind works like Sherlock Holmes.
Re: Rare Antique Brass Bell, maybe from Germany
How much do you want for it?
Re: Rare Antique Brass Bell, maybe from Germany
Sorry, I am not selling this bell at the moment, I am more interested in learning about this particular bell. I also would like an estimated Appraised value. Sorry!