My father was stationed in Tibet and Thiland and the Phillipines, Vietnam back in the 60’s during the war. Well I have this piece of art that he (according to my uncle) that he bought out of the thiland is on black cloth..maybe silk...looks like there is gold dust on it...he sent it over to Germany where my Uncle was stationed and my Uncle had it framed in Germany and Sent it home to the USA. Everyone tells me don’t open the frame cause it would loose value. Someone told me the name of the Diety in the painting is Intarachit...he is green in color the offspring of The Yak King “Totsagan” (Ravana in Hindi).
My father loved this painting...I, on the other hand was always scared of it as a little girl. Needless to say, My father left it to me..I don’t know what the meaning of this painting is and I just don’t have the passion my father did for it.
Both my Uncle and Father has since passed away and there is no one left to find out any more details.
That is why I have come to you...I live in Michigan and this type of Art, no one knows what to do with. I have asked several local art dealers and according to them, they feel it is worth more than they could offer me. They said the frame alone was an antique and not to open the back of it.
I would like to sell it and well learn what it is and what this deity represents.
thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. I can send you pictures if you want them...thanks again
Sherry Forler
Intharachit was a son of Thotsakan, both of which were Phra Ram’s most powerful adversaries in the Ramakien which is the Southeast Asian version of Hindu Epic Ramayana or a representation from the Ramakien.