I have a lighted display that was in my grandfather's pharmacy in Denver, Colorado in the early 1900's. It says Richard Hudnut and Deauville. It is mostly ornate glass and metal. I have been unable to locate and similar item anywhere. I was wondering if you know of any collector who might be interested? Also I would like to know it's value.
Re: Richard Hudnut Deauvillle Commercial Display
This is a very unique item and assigning a value is going to be difficult as there is little to no records to go on. With that said, Richard Hudnut was a perfume manufacturer so it makes perfect sense your grandmother used it in the way she did.
Re: Richard Hudnut Deauvillle Commercial Display
As Fishwacker says, this piece is rare enough that there in not much information available or in auction records to determine a market value. I have seen another Richard Hudnut lamp, but not matching yours that sold at auction for $625.00
Re: Richard Hudnut Deauvillle Commercial Display
Hey, I have a lamp like that. Yours is the only other one I've been able to find. We got ours from my wife's 95 year old grandfathers house when he passed away 2 years ago. When he was younger his family owned a country store in southwest Alabama. I figured it came from the store when they closed it 33 years ago.
I Would post pictures but i don't know if that's possible in the comment section.